Scala By Example

This is a little project I have been working on for the pass month or so. Scala was created by Martin Odersky back in 2001 to show that a fusion of object oriented programming and functional programming was possible and practical.

Scala is a very interesting language, it’s parent language is Java and programs can be written in a total imperative style. If you know Java then Scala is very easy to grasp and you can code in a “Java style”. For example the code below shows quicksort written “imperative style” with Scala.

Now look at the “functional style” quicksort Scala was made for Much shorter and cleaner right? This is only one example out of many how Scala differs from imperative langauges like Java and C.

What I have shown you is only the tip of the iceberg of what Scala is capable of and I’m afraid can’t explain to you the whole wonders of Scala since I only know so much. Scala has a very steep learning curve but I hope to one day master this exquisite language and become a Scala developer.

Source: Scala By Example